San Giovanni Rotondo recensioner

Verifierade recensioner på transfertjänster, från verkliga gäster som reser från San Giovanni Rotondo. Oberoende recensioner från verifierade kunder. Läs och dela verifierade kundutlåtanden och poängsättning från verkliga kunder som har använt flygtransfer.

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Mr B from Ireland
Shuttle Direct booking service

Myself and a family member travelled from Bari to San Giovanni and back a couple of days later. It was an important trip and we just wanted reliability and punctuality. We got both. From the moment our plane arrived the Driver had reached out to advise us he was there. We were straight into the transport vehicle and in San Giovanni 2 hours later. No fuss. Just punctual, reliable service. I would recommend this company and will undoubtedly use them again.

Transport company service

Myself and a family member travelled from Bari to San Giovanni and back a couple of days later. It was an important trip and we just wanted reliability and punctuality. We got both. From the moment our plane arrived the Driver had reached out to advise us he was there. We were straight into the transport vehicle and in San Giovanni 2 hours later. No fuss. Just punctual, reliable service. I would recommend this company and will undoubtedly use them again.

Mrs M from United States
Shuttle Direct booking service

Driver was on time very polite and courteous

Transport company service

Driver was on time very polite and courteous

Mme/M M from Belgium
Shuttle Direct booking service

chauffeur impeccable et serviable
a l'heure aussi bien aller que retour

Transport company service

chauffeur impeccable et serviable
a l'heure aussi bien aller que retour

Hr F from Germany
Shuttle Direct booking service

Gut Organisiert könnte nur ein bisschen günstiger sein.

Transport company service

Gut Organisiert könnte nur ein bisschen günstiger sein.

Hr W from Germany
Shuttle Direct booking service

Service-Bewertung : Gut
Produkt : Gut

Transport company service

Service-Bewertung : Gut
Produkt : Gut