Reseñas Sveti Vlas

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Mrs M from United Kingdom
Servicio de reserva de Shuttle Direct

Easy to use web site, excellent pricing and good customer service. Unfortunately our trip could not take place due to covid 19 but refund process was straight forward and unproblematic. Would definitely use again.

Servicio de empresa de transporte

Easy to use web site, excellent pricing and good customer service. Unfortunately our trip could not take place due to covid 19 but refund process was straight forward and unproblematic. Would definitely use again.

Ms M from Hungary
Servicio de reserva de Shuttle Direct

The driver waited for me at the arraivals of the airport and tranferred me quickly to the orderred destination.

Servicio de empresa de transporte

The driver waited for me at the arraivals of the airport and tranferred me quickly to the orderred destination.