Punto di partenza sconosciuto. Controlla la lista e seleziona un'opzione tra quelle suggerite.

Destinazione sconosciuta. Controlla il valore e seleziona tra i risultati suggeriti.

Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

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Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

Specifica l’età del bambino.

Bagagli aggiuntiviFine

Ciascun passeggero può portare un bagaglio di dimensioni standard più un piccolo bagaglio a mano (una borsa o un computer portatile, per esempio). Se si trasportano bagagli extra, colli di grandi dimensioni o attrezzature sportive, bisogna selezionare una delle seguenti opzioni:

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Viaggio di andataFine
  Data di arrivo del volo
  Ora di arrivo del volo

Inserisci la data e l'orario di arrivo (non di partenza) del tuo volo così come comunicati dalla compagnia aerea. L'autista terrà in considerazione il tempo necessario per prendere le valigie ed espletare le formalità di entrata nel Paese.


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

Andata e ritornoFine
  Data del volo di ritorno
  Ora di arrivo del volo

Inserisci a data e l'orario di partenza del tuo volo così come comunicato dalla compagnia aerea. L'ora di partenza del transfer sarà calcolata tenendo in considerazione il tempo del tragitto e quello del check-in in aeroporto.


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

    Tranfer Shuttle Direct da/verso Calella

    from2travel organised on time transfer, they offered easy way of confirmation , easy to find on the BCN...

    Mr P G from Polonia

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to Calella3.9579%
    Punteggio da 894 commenti indipendenti di

    Tipi di transfer e di veicolo

    Sia che preferisca il lusso di un transfer privato con un conducente personale, sia che scelga la convenienza di una navetta collettiva dall'aeroporto, i nostri autisti ti porteranno sempre a destinazione con un sorriso.

    Transfer privato con con conducente:

    • Noleggio privato con con conducente:
    • Servizio da Porta a Porta
    • L'autista ti viene incontro personalmente
    • Veicolo esclusivamente per te

    Trasporto condiviso Shuttle Service

    • Servizio di Bus Navetta
    • Trasporto condiviso
    • Punto di ritrovo prestabilito
    • Servizio navetta o equivalente

    Come raggiungere Calella, Barcelona, Spagna

    Quando dista Calella da...

    Valutazione dei clienti verificata e indipendente

    Feefo logo

    Recensioni di ShuttleDirect

    M. S from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Having read several negative reviews after purchasing my tickets, I was somewhat apprehensive about using the shuttlebus. Having arrived at BCN, the extensity of passengers getting through passport control led to thoughts of missing the bus. And then looking for the From2 rep, wearing orange T shirts, which blends with multiple airport personnel wearing high visibility clothing, did not help locating them so easily. The drive to Calella was perfect. My return journey was a big worry as my return flight was at 07:55.
    After confirming the return pick up online to would be 03:40! At 03:25 I was called by the driver to say that he was waiting outside. I will definitely use them again.
    Thank you.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Having read several negative reviews after purchasing my tickets, I was somewhat apprehensive about using the shuttlebus. Having arrived at BCN, the extensity of passengers getting through passport control led to thoughts of missing the bus. And then looking for the From2 rep, wearing orange T shirts, which blends with multiple airport personnel wearing high visibility clothing, did not help locating them so easily. The drive to Calella was perfect. My return journey was a big worry as my return flight was at 07:55.
    After confirming the return pick up online to would be 03:40! At 03:25 I was called by the driver to say that he was waiting outside. I will definitely use them again.
    Thank you.

    B from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Booking was easy and all the information clear and easy to understand
    The driver was very good an the bus was comfortable

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Booking was easy and all the information clear and easy to understand
    The driver was very good an the bus was comfortable

    Mrs M from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Great service, info updated regularly,easy trip on both journeys.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Great service, info updated regularly,easy trip on both journeys.

    Mrs K from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Every one during my trip was very nice,
    Speaking English so it was easy!

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Every one during my trip was very nice,
    Speaking English so it was easy!

    Mr R from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Very efficient,both ourselves and our hotel were advised of our pick-up place and time of departure.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Very efficient,both ourselves and our hotel were advised of our pick-up place and time of departure.

    Mr. S from Belgium
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Vliegtuig had 1 uur vertraging en toch konden we direct de bus op.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Vliegtuig had 1 uur vertraging en toch konden we direct de bus op.

    Mevr J from Netherlands
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    First time using this company for bus Transfer: easy booking, within one hour bus depart. I definitely will book again

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    First time using this company for bus Transfer: easy booking, within one hour bus depart. I definitely will book again

    Mr O from Latvia
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Good service and communication. Due too delay with baggage we where late on our shuttle bus - but new time was provided for us. Thanks for good service.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Good service and communication. Due too delay with baggage we where late on our shuttle bus - but new time was provided for us. Thanks for good service.

    Mr S from France
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Instructions were clear, staff at airport very friendly, regular email updates confirming return pick-up. Have used other airport pickup services, this is our 2nd time with Shuttle Direct/From2 and on both occasions we have waited a very short time, with previous companies the wait at the arrival airport (several times at Barcelona) has been much much longer. Also I like that they pick up and drop off at both terminals. With other providers we have had to make our way from T1 to T2. Very impressed with service and will definitely use again.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Instructions were clear, staff at airport very friendly, regular email updates confirming return pick-up. Have used other airport pickup services, this is our 2nd time with Shuttle Direct/From2 and on both occasions we have waited a very short time, with previous companies the wait at the arrival airport (several times at Barcelona) has been much much longer. Also I like that they pick up and drop off at both terminals. With other providers we have had to make our way from T1 to T2. Very impressed with service and will definitely use again.

    Mr K from Germany
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Good team, always available to help you, very friendly.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Good team, always available to help you, very friendly.