Ursprung okänt. Kontrollera värdet och välj mellan de föreslagna resultaten.

Destinationen okänd. Kontrollera värdet och välj mellan de föreslagna resultaten.

Du måste välja åtminstone 1 vuxen passagerare.

  • +-

  • +-

Du måste välja åtminstone 1 vuxen passagerare.

Vänligen ange barnens ålder.

Extra bagageKlar

Varje passagerare får ta med sig ett standardbagage och ett mindre handbagage (till exempel en handväska eller bärbar dator). Om du har ytterligare bagage, eller extra stort bagage eller sportutrustning, välj från alternativen nedan:

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  Flygets ankomstdatum
  Flygets ankomsttid

Ange datum och tid för ditt flygs ankomst (inte avgång), som ditt flygbolag har informerat dig om. Chauffören kommer att beräkna tid för bagagehämtning och immigrationsformaliteter.


Vänligen välj timmar.

Please select mins.

  Flygets returdatum
  Flygets avresetid

Ange datum och tid för ditt flygs avgång, som ditt flygbolag har informerat dig om. Tiden för upphämtning kommer beräknas automatiskt med tanke på restiden och den tid som krävs för incheckning på flygplastsen.


Vänligen välj timmar.

Please select mins.

    Roms järnvägsstation Termini Transporter till och från tåget med Shuttle Direct

    • Låga priser

    • Spara tid & pengar

    • Tillförlitlighet

    • Bekvämlighet

    Transporter och fordonstyper

    Oavsett om du föredrar lyxig privat transfer med egen chaufför eller prisvärda alternativ som innebär samåkning till och från flygplatsen, kommer våra vänliga förare köra dig till din dörr med ett leende.

    Privat ekonomisk transfer
    Privat lyxig transfer
    Buss, taxi, shuttle

    Privat transfer med förare

    • Privat hyrbil med förare
    • Dörr till dörr-tjänst
    • Chauffören möter dig personligen
    • Fordon exklusivt för dig

    Samåkning med shuttletjänst

    • Shuttletjänst
    • Samåkning
    • Förbestämd mötesplats
    • Shuttletjänst eller liknande

    Reseförslag från Roms järnvägsstation Termini

    Oberoende återkoppling från verifierade kunder

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Roms järnvägsstation Termini recensioner

    Sig. R from Italy
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Efficiente e professionale

    Transport company service

    La consiglio a tutti per la puntualità e professionalità

    Mrs M from Australia
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    So easy to organise and affordable too! They cater for all groups and luggage requirements. All options were clearly available to us.

    Transport company service

    So easy to organise and affordable too! They cater for all groups and luggage requirements. All options were clearly available to us.

    Mr M from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Working with them was great. I had put the wrong date in the reservation by accident and they fixed it right away and like clockwork the driver was there for us.

    Transport company service

    Working with them was great. I had put the wrong date in the reservation by accident and they fixed it right away and like clockwork the driver was there for us.

    Ms M from Canada
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Driver was polite and helpful-once we found him! We were expecting someone to meet us at the train arrivals and waited 15 mins. When no one came, we realized we had a text saying that he would meet us at a location outside the train station, about 5 mins walk ( 10 for those of us with large suitcases,) it took us awhile to figure out where the location was. We recognize that parking is a big issue in Rome however.. Even if we had to walk a bit, it would have been much more helpful if at the driver at least met us at the train arrival point with a sign and then walked with us to the van, especially since the actual distance to our hotel was quite short. First time I have been disappointed in the Shuttle Direct service.

    Transport company service

    Driver was polite and helpful-once we found him! We were expecting someone to meet us at the train arrivals and waited 15 mins. When no one came, we realized we had a text saying that he would meet us at a location outside the train station, about 5 mins walk ( 10 for those of us with large suitcases,) it took us awhile to figure out where the location was. We recognize that parking is a big issue in Rome however.. Even if we had to walk a bit, it would have been much more helpful if at the driver at least met us at the train arrival point with a sign and then walked with us to the van, especially since the actual distance to our hotel was quite short. First time I have been disappointed in the Shuttle Direct service.