Londonderry: Arvustused

Reaalsete klientide kontrollitud hinnangud transfeeridele, mille lähtekohaks oli Londonderry. Kontrollitud klientide sõltumatud hinnangud. Loe ja võrdle reaalsete klientide arvamusi ja hinnanguid Lennujaamatransfeeridele.

Broneeri oma transfeer, mille lähte-/sihtkohaks on Londonderry arvustused Feefos arvustused eKomis arvustused Google'is
Mr R from Canada
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

I started out by inserting Belfast International intead of Belfast Inner Harbour for my pick up point. I realized my mistake a few days later. Upon starting the revision, I had a few problems getting BHD into the cell marked FROM. It took an email to fix some kid of inputting glitch. I then got my transfer information put in and the coupon printed.. The problem seemed to be resolved. Then for reasons unknown, my whole transaction was cancelled a few days later, and I had to do it over submitting my credit card a second time. Frustrating, but my credit card was credited promptly, thank-you very much.

Transpordifirma teenus

Due to outside circumstances, I did not travel so missed the pleasure of a chauffeured ride from Belfast to Derry. Sad.