Casablanca: Arvustused

Reaalsete klientide kontrollitud hinnangud transfeeridele, mille lähtekohaks oli Casablanca. Kontrollitud klientide sõltumatud hinnangud. Loe ja võrdle reaalsete klientide arvamusi ja hinnanguid Lennujaamatransfeeridele.

Broneeri oma transfeer, mille lähte-/sihtkohaks on Casablanca arvustused Feefos arvustused eKomis arvustused Google'is
Mr M from Australia
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Service was really good. Our driver was on time and waiting for us at the Casablanca airport. He drove safely and dropped us to our hotel.

Transpordifirma teenus

Service was really good. Our driver was on time and waiting for us at the Casablanca airport. He drove safely and dropped us to our hotel.

Mr S from Luxembourg
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Driver was very kind and helpful, I do appreciate his service.

Transpordifirma teenus

I believe the price was right

M. N from Switzerland
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Flug kam mit 3 Stunden Verspätung an. Der Fahrer hat uns erwartet und direkt zum Hotel gebracht. Diesen Service können wir absolut weiterempfehlen!

Transpordifirma teenus

Einwandfreier Service!

Dr D from Philippines
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

The driver was waiting by the exit, and brought us safely to our hotel. The ride was smooth & comfortable.

Transpordifirma teenus

The driver was waiting by the exit, and brought us safely to our hotel. The ride was smooth & comfortable.

M. D from Canada
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Chauffeur ponctuel, prise en charge rapide.

Transpordifirma teenus

Excellent service ! Ponctualité respectée.

Ms M from United States
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Good value and reliable service.

Transpordifirma teenus

Good value and reliable service.

Mr M from South Africa
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

The driver was very concerned that he had to park far away from the hotel due to a marathon on the said date. He drove well to the airport.

Transpordifirma teenus

The driver was very concerned that he had to park far away from the hotel due to a marathon on the said date. He drove well to the airport.

Mr M from Morocco
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

I had a good experience using your service in casablanca. Amazing customer service. Thank you.

Transpordifirma teenus

I had a good experience using your service in casablanca. Amazing customer service. Thank you.

Ms L from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

The website was very easy to use. I'd prefer an email confirmation as well as the print voucher.

Transpordifirma teenus

I was fortunate to have a very friendly and fantastic driver to get me to my hotel. Thanks so much.

Ms R from Australia
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

had to change the booking a couple of times, no problems, replied by email confirming changes.

Transpordifirma teenus

Driver was excellent, if a bit uncommunicative, language difference may have been the reason.

Mrs M from Australia
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Driver was there to collect us at airport and we arrived at hotel, no issues!

Transpordifirma teenus

Driver was there to collect us at airport and we arrived at hotel, no issues!

Mr M from Netherlands
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

De taxi was er niet. Circa 15 minuten gezocht naar de chauffeur met naambord.Nadat ik het nummer op de voucher 2x gebeld had duurde het nóg ongeveer 20 minuten voordat de chauffeur arriveerde. Bij elkaar bijna 60 minuten gewacht voordat wij van het vliegveld vertrokken.

Transpordifirma teenus

De taxi was er niet. Circa 15 minuten gezocht naar de chauffeur met naambord.Nadat ik het nummer op de voucher 2x gebeld had duurde het nóg ongeveer 20 minuten voordat de chauffeur arriveerde. Bij elkaar bijna 60 minuten gewacht voordat wij van het vliegveld vertrokken.

Sr. J from Spain
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

El vehículo era una furgoneta y lo tuvimos que esperar 20 minutod.

Transpordifirma teenus

Llego tarde y en furgoneta. No funcionaban los números de telefono de contacto y nadie nos ayudaba. En el Voucher no aparece ningun telefono de SHUTTLEDIRECT, por lo que nos sentimos indefensos. Ahora ya saben la situación y atienden rápido, pero se queda en eso y no hay compensación.

Ms S from Canada
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Driver spoke no english or french and did not know the location of the hotel in the city. We drove around for 30 mins trying to find it. Hotel name was provided with shuttle request in advance so there are no excuse for a driver to not know the way.

Transpordifirma teenus

Driver spoke no english or french and did not know the location of the hotel in the city. We drove around for 30 mins trying to find it. Hotel name was provided with shuttle request in advance so there are no excuse for a driver to not know the way.

Sig.r A from Italy
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Valutazione servizio : Le macchine usate dovrebbero essere più nuove
Prodotto : Macchina vecchia, il servizio è nel complesso troppo costoso rispetto al servizio reso.

Transpordifirma teenus

Valutazione servizio : Le macchine usate dovrebbero essere più nuove
Prodotto : Macchina vecchia, il servizio è nel complesso troppo costoso rispetto al servizio reso.

Srta N from Spain
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Había reservado un transfer del aeropuerto de Casablanca para llevarme a la ciudad. Había pagado por un Van grande, aunque, éramos solo dos personas teníamos bastante equipaje. Cuando llegamos no había nadie esperándonos. Llamé al teléfono de atención al cliente me dijeron que lo sentían porque hubo un problema técnico y que me volverán a llamar. Pasada media hora me vuelve a llamar el señor refiriéndose a mi con otro nombre, se lo corregí, y me dice que en breve intentarán conseguirme un coche que el que venía tuvo problemas. Después de un buen rato esperando llega un coche pequeño, no era lo que yo había contratado, el equipaje no cabía en el maletero y lo tuvimos que poner delante en los asientos, fue muy incómodo, y simplemente ofrecían unas disculpas. El conductor no nos ayudó nada para colocar el equipaje, tuvimos que pagar encima a otras personas para hacerlo.

No son nada comprometidos ni profesionales, impuntuales, y pagas por un servicio y te ofrecen otro con menos calidad, me he sentido timada!!!

Transpordifirma teenus

He pagado un van y me han traído un coche pequeño. Me dijeron: “ es lo que hay, tuvimos problemas técnicos “

Mr M from United States
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

I cannot believe with whats happening in the world with the virus your company charged me over $19 after I cancelled my transfer at least 10 days prior. My tour was cancelled. My flights were cancelled and yet you did not refund the total amount that I paid. I had booked transport from Casablanca to Rabat with another company. I cancelled that booking at the same time and was refunded the total amount payed. What you did is extremely poor business. I am angry and cannot recommend you.

Transpordifirma teenus

I cannot believe with whats happening in the world with the virus your company charged me over $19 after I cancelled my transfer at least 10 days prior. My tour was cancelled. My flights were cancelled and yet you did not refund the total amount that I paid. I had booked transport from Casablanca to Rabat with another company. I cancelled that booking at the same time and was refunded the total amount payed. What you did is extremely poor business. I am angry and cannot recommend you.

Sr. D from Spain
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Reservamos un traslado desde el aeropuerto de Casablanca hasta el hotel. Cuando llegamos estuvimos más de una hora esperando al chófer y preguntando a otros conductores por si habían visto al nuestro.
En el teléfono de contacto que nos dieron no respondió nadie. Era de noche y supuso un gran trastorno la espera y el tener que negociar y pagar un taxi por un precio mucho mayor del previsto.
Estoy a la espera de una devolución del importe pagado.

Transpordifirma teenus

El servicio no se cumplió y ahora estoy reclamando recuperar el importe pagado.

Srta L from Spain
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Contratamos un servicio de recogida para el viernes 6 de diciembre a las 02:15 am, y no ha acudido nadie a recogernos, ni un aviso ni nada.

Adjunté toda la información necesaria para saber en todo momento dónde y cuándo tendrían que recogernos y estuvimos esperando.

Recibo un whatsapp a las 9:45 am del conductor preguntándome a qué hora llega mi vuelo y posteriormente lo elimina.
Veo la poca organización, la mala gestión y poca atención puesta en mi servicio.

Transpordifirma teenus

Porque nadie nos recogió y no han avisado

Fr. R from Germany
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Transfer Shuttle ist in Casablanca nicht aufgetaucht. Musste erst anrufen um dies zu erfahren.

Transpordifirma teenus

Transfer Shuttle ist in Casablanca nicht aufgetaucht. Musste erst anrufen um dies zu erfahren.